Orange Care Artichoke Tea
For centuries, artichokes have been consumed for their rich nutritional value (and high anti-oxidant content). Our delicious tea is made from the fl ower heads of Vietnamese artichokes. This means that you can be assured that the tea’s helping the environment as well as your tummy. The artichokes we use are grown using traditional methods at high altitude in Vietnam. The altitude means that whilst artichokes can thrive, insects can’t and so there’s no need for any chemicals or pesticides. We also pay 20% above the market price for our artichokes to ensure the Vietnamese workers always get a fair deal.
• No preservatives
• No artifi cial fl avourings,
colourings or other additives
• No GMO
Ingredients: Artichoke
Directions for use: Use 1 tea bag per cup.
Leave to brew for 3 – 4 minutes in freshly boiled water. Store in a dry place.