Road to Tokyo, meet guest blogger Nadine Broersen

This month we introduce to you Nadine Broersen, top athlete, Olympic athlete and our new guest blogger. In the coming months she will be taking us with her during her preparations to Tokyo. Today she introduces herself and we get to know her a little better. Curious? Then read on!
Hi Nadine, thank you for giving us all a glimpse into your life and the preparations for Tokyo! Tell us a little bit more about yourself. Who are you, what is your life like?
Hi all, my name is Nadine Broersen and I am 30 years old. I am an all-round athlete and train full-time to prepare myself well for the big tournaments. Normally I train twice a day, at Papendal – the national training center of the Netherlands, in Arnhem – or in Dongen or Breda. In addition, I go to the Fysio at least once a week and once a week to the masseur.
My days usually consist of getting up, having breakfast, working out, lunch, working out again, dinner, relaxing and studying and then sleeping. In between, in the evenings and on my day off, I am busy with my HBO study in Sports Management.
I don’t think many people know that in addition to your career as a top athlete, you are also studying. Have you been doing this for a long time?
In recent years I have always invested some time in studies. These were often separate HBO modules, because it is quite difficult to do a full study in addition to full-time training. For example, I did get my accounting diploma and completed the media psychology module. This year the HBO Sports Management study came my way, actually because of Corona. I also wanted to shift my attention a bit in the uncertain times and then started this study. It’s a full-time study, but it’s going very well. My first year is almost over and I really enjoy it!
Interesting! As you said, your days mainly consist of a lot of training. When did you actually start exercising?
I started athletics at the age of 8. I was always quite an active child and my primary school teacher advised my parents to take a look at Atledo, the local athletics association in Dongen. From day one I was in love and never got rid of it!
And what about athletics made you fall in love instantly?
Well, I mainly think the many challenges. Athletics isn’t just running or throwing alone, you can literally do anything! The variety was precisely the thing that I immediately found fun, challenging and not boring at all!
I also think athletics is quite a social sport. It is an individual sport but with the fun of training buddies.
If you started so young, you already have a long sports career. What do you think is the coolest moment in your sports career so far? And what are you most proud of?
The very first great moment in my career was qualifying for my first Olympic Games. As a little girl I already told my parents that I wanted to go to the Olympics one day and make athletics my profession. In May 2012 this dream came true and I qualified in Gotzis for the Olympic Games in London. London itself was also a great experience. I scored a personal best in a stadium with 80,000 people. Truly an unforgettable experience!
My absolute highlight came in 2014. The year before I had bad luck, a disqualification at the European Championship and a fall at the World Cup. But I was sure that afterwards I would show what I had in me. I became World Indoor Champion in the pentathlon! With a Dutch record in the high jump (1.93m) and the pentathlon.
And the moment that I am most proud of my comeback in 2019. I had to recover in 2018 from a serious injury, a torn posterior cruciate ligament. The question was whether I could come back from such an injury as an all-round female. But in 2019 I finished 6th at the World Championships in Doha and made my participation in my third Olympics safe!
As you briefly mentioned, you sustained a serious injury a few years ago. You have now fully recovered from this. Did this ultimately make you stronger? Or have you learned something else from this?
In late 2017, I did indeed tear my posterior right cruciate ligament during a hurdled fall. This was quite intense and also an injury that is rare in athletics. I was emotional for a few days, but I was able to mentally switch after a week. Together with an expert team, we made a good plan and I went 100% for my rehabilitation.
Yes, it was really hard. In retrospect I think: gosh, how could I keep this up? But from the first moment I just knew I would make a full recovery. I felt myself getting stronger every week, got to know my own body really well for the first time and also made great mental steps.
Normally you keep going every year and you don’t have the time to ‘recover’ from aches or pains or to get some mental rest. You are constantly under the pressure to perform. Now I had 9 months to work on myself. To recover from a serious injury, but I have also learned a lot from it on a personal level. It’s really cliché but I’ve definitely come out stronger!
Fortunately! This year you are going to the Olympics for the third time, so cool! During the coming weeks you will take us with you during your preparations for Tokyo 2020. How are the preparations going and what does it look like?
Last year was supposed to be the Olympic Games in Tokyo, but unfortunately they were canceled due to Corona. Very disappointed, because that is a moment I really live towards. At some point you have to make the switch and I started working on a number of technical aspects in the training. Because of Corona it all remains a bit uncertain but I now have to assume that everything will go ahead and prepare myself for it as well as possible. I have had a good winter so far and have just been informed that I have been invited to the European Indoor Championships in March. In the run-up to that, I will do a number of competitions, including the NK Meerkamp and the regular NK.
That is a full agenda this spring with many competitions. Good training is therefore essential. During your training you will also use and test some products from our range. Which product from our range are you particularly curious about?
That’s right! During my training I regularly use power bands, massage rollers, dumbbells, a dumbbell set, a balance board and more. You have all of this in your range. I am also very curious about the Vibro Body Booster – Vibration Plate and the Iron Gym – Speed Abs Abdominal Wheel. I’m really looking forward to giving this one a try!
Nice! We end this interview with a very random question, because it is always nice to know. What can we wake you up for at night?
Haha, that’s a good question! You actually can’t wake me up for anything. I really like my sleep ;-). But what I absolutely love is sushi, whipped cream and donuts!