Trial to separate waste on primary school Anspach was successful

Plastic, drinking cartons, apple and banana peels together in one waste bin. That has been a thing of the past at elementary School J.J. anspach. The municipality of Dongen supplied PMD bags, paper and organic waste containers. We supplied the school with recycling bins for the communal areas. Together we make the difference!
Bente Maas, one of the students from the student council, is the ambassador of the project: “During a meeting with the student council, a teacher asked if we wanted to improve something at school.” Waste separation was one of them. The Municipality of Dongen followed and after that they started separating waste at school.
Project at the Anspach school
As Orange Planet we embrace this project. Separating waste is now going very well at the Anspach school. The students receive an educational lesson program about waste separation from DeBries. This trial has helped the school to separate waste even better. Together we can all reduce the amount of residual waste.
Waste bins made available
For this project within the Municipality of Dongen, we as Orange Planet have made 100 Recycle waste bins available for the schools. Something that fits within the United Nations SDG 12.5 goal, which we as Orange Planet are pursuing. This objective means: by 2030, significantly reduce waste production through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. It is better to start early, because separating waste is something that is learned young and done old.
Start separating waste too!
Schools can contact Orange Planet, we will then ensure that the recycling bins from our range are delivered free of charge